(hardly containing our excitement creds to mi madre) |
Anyways, I'll get to the more entertaining parts. First of all, before we even got to our hotel, we had the majestical but scarring experience of seeing a grown man walking around in boxers, and wearing cut trash bags as high socks. As Ron Swanson once said, "Nature is amazing."
My favorite story of the entire trip would have to be when mi amiga, Lily, and I were on a ride called Grizzly River Run. It is one of those weird boat raft thingies where the ride is completely in water. We waited in line for what seemed like hours, and then we finally got to walk across that weird spinning circle to get in our boat thing. Of course, the majority of people in our boat were over the age of 30. There were two couples, and then a mom and her daughter. As we got on the boat, the Disneyland worker looks over to one of the older guys and says, "You might wanna put your vape away, there are kids on this boat." It was undeniably one of the hardest moments in my life, not to burst out laughing at this guy who, somewhere in his brain thought that bringing a vape pen to a children's amusement park was a good idea, let alone on a water ride.
Below is a candid shot of the Grizzly River Run-vape experience. From left to right (of people facing the camera): vape guy, vape guy's girlfriend who is also awkwardly waving, Lily, and I (with the face of Oprah when she crushed my dreams).
(photo creds to mi madre) |
The last story I have for y'all is kind of a downer, for me at least. After we were in Disneyland, we went to Newport Beach. There, we mostly rode beach cruisers (like normal bikes but 1000 times better) and attempted to ride penny boards. Why are penny boards so much harder to ride than skateboards? Thanks, Obama. Anyways, we were riding our sick bikes along the beach, when a fine group of young males start approaching our way on their bikes. With my hair blowing in the wind and my $3 sunglasses on, I thought I was such a catch at that moment in time. Boy was I wrong. Because it was a two-lane mini road sidewalk thing, Lily was riding in front of me. I turned to look at the horizon (being the mysterious person I am), and I didn't notice her slowing down in front of me. I full on rammed into her, in front of the attractive group of males. Fml. Remember kids, do the opposite of whatever I'm doing and you will be perfectly fine.
The boys just cannot handle you, Mikelle...that's what it is.