About Myself

Well hello there, I'm Mikelle.  But, you can call me and this blog your destiny.  As you can probably tell from my blog so far, I am in fact less than average, #relatable, and of the female species.  Other than that, we are strangers so here is information about me that you will probably disregard in 0.5 seconds.

1. I am funny sometimes (as my mom tells me) and love making people feel uncomfortable with my terrible but also amazing jokes.
2. My hobbies include: pretending to be a Spice Girl, rapping in Spanish, and watching endless chick flicks on the weekends.
3. My social life is taken over by dance and the 5th season of Pretty Little Liars.
4. I quote 80's movies more than I'd like to admit. (Marty McFly comes to 2015 in 5 weeks btw)
5. I don't like making lists.

On most pages like this, there is usually a life-changing story or a deep passion found when the person was a fetus.  For me, its a little different.  As a kid, I did ballet for a couple years and when my parents "made" me miss my recital to go to Disney World, I decided it wasn't my thing.  Or maybe I was just distracted by Mickey Mouse, who knows.  After that I got into soccer, which I basically hated for the whole 6 years I did it.  I was the one player who looked forward to the snacks during half-time more than anything.

(Pre-Disney World)

Then, four years ago I came back to dance and have fallen in love with it (and it hurt). (<----my first attempt at a joke on this blog *tears up*).  Anyways, that is what I have been doing since, despite how much the rest of my family wants me to do lacrosse or soccer (sorry dad).

So there is the short but sweet story of my life.  A lot of tantrums and wrestling matches with my brothers over the T.V. remote were left out, but I'll spare you those details.  Hopefully if you even read this, it will make my blog a funnier/more educational experience for you.

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