Thursday, May 12, 2016

Are you better off?

Wow, it's been a while.  About a week to be exact.  A total of 22 posts, 1,834 page views, and eight followers later, this year of blogging has come to an end.  I will most likely continue with these random posts to the internet, for I have actually found them enjoyable.  They have allowed me to vent and be the person I want to be.  Yes, I still continue do this in person, but there is something better about being able to do this without knowing if people I know personally are reading it.  These have allowed me to express my personality to people possibly around the world (probably not though).

When I found out that we were starting a blog, I was both embarrassed and frustrated.  Partially because most bloggers are mothers of five or vegans, and I wasn't keen on the requirements for our posts.  I had a hard time coming up with a theme of my blog.  But I finally settled on the greatest one of all: no theme.  Why be tied down to just talking about one subject?  I have multiple themes I considered, so might as well do all of them.

My first couple of posts were just rants that I've held onto since the beginning of time.  Throughout this mini e-journey, I found that entertaining people is what I love to do.  This has allowed my to find out a lot about myself through what I have written.  They have let me express personal experiences, embarrassing or not, that might help someone or make them happy.  That, I believe, is what social media is for.  Not to bring people down, but to lift them up.

Nine months later, I have a child.  Just kidding, but I am still the Parks and Recreation loving teenage girl who is in fact less than average, but I feel my confidence this year has gone up a lot.  I've tried out for things I never would of, made new relationships with people I have never met, and overall gotten more mature (I think).  I have always had a self confidence issue, but I feel that this year I made a huge shift.  My family has always thought I had a talent in entertaining and humor, but I didn't really believe them until this year.  I have gotten so many positive comments about this blog and the things I express on it.  To whoever is reading this without the main purpose to grade me on it (you're still cool though, Mr. Parker), thank you.  I am still not very well known, but I got a lot farther with this silly little blog than I ever would've thought.

Don't get me wrong, I am still that one girl in the class that still thinks 'welcome to chili's' is funny and photoshops pictures of herself with the pope, but this year has been a big one for me.  Mikelle out.
(Francis and I on Mt. Everest creds to me)

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