Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How to Live

Hello my fellow Trumpelstiltskins.  I know you are probably expecting a 500ish word post including a funny or embarrassing story from me, but I am actually going to talk (or write I guess) about something serious today.

As I see it, breathing and being alive are two completely different things.  You can be breathing and technically living, but being alive requires so much more.  I am not saying that I am against planning your future, being responsible, etc.  I am just saying that you (usually) need to experience more than you are now or have been.  Believe me, I am working on this myself, so we are both in this together.  You need to explore new places, make fun memories, meet new people, and find happiness.

You are probably asking yourself, "Where is Mikelle getting these ideas?  Why is she being so inspirational all of a sudden?"  Well, I've always been one that likes to explore and find new places, but it was mostly just on vacations and things like that.  The truth is, we need to do things like that everyday we can.  We don't have to live in a place surrounded by beautiful beaches or forests in order to explore and try new things.  You could even go walking around your neighborhood or on a hike and just find a place you like.  It can be something somewhat extravagant, or something as simple as a tree.  My happy place is a bridge I found when walking around by my Grandparent's cabin in Fish Lake.  It is just a small bridge, over a tiny stream.

(pure beauty captured by moi)

Next to it, are hundreds of intertwined tree roots sticking up a couple feet from the ground.  It may not seem too special to any of you, but it is my absolute favorite place to be.  Find a place like this, and go there as often as you can, you will thank me.

(credits to moi, again)

As we grow older, we all get so caught up in homework and social media and trying to fit in that we don't think about ourselves and what we need.  Although homework and school are very important to our education and the rest of our lives, it shouldn't keep you from doing what you love and making sure you are at your best mentally and physically.  For only a couple hours a day, turn your phone off and put it somewhere you don't normally put it, not near you.  During this time, spend time with your family, do something you've never done before, or get into old hobbies.  I have been doing this everyday, and it really has been making me happier.

My favorite thing to do for myself, is take pictures.  More specifically, I like to walk around my street and my backyard, and appreciate the beauty that I am surrounded with.  Don't worry about posting the pictures on Instagram or anything like that, just take them for you and you only.  I know I sound hella cheesy, but I promise that these things will either improve your day, or make you a happier person in general.

So, there was my inspirational rant.  I'm actually quite surprised I could get through 500 words without making a joke or calling myself an egg.  Eh, maybe next time.

O-dizzle is apparently not in the hizzle

Just from reading this title, I already know that most of you will be very confused as to what this blog post is about and why.  I will tell you, my friend.  I have no idea how I got this idea but I guess this is what happens when Mikelle gets bored.


A lone Mikelle was sitting in math class, strongly considering dropping out to become a belly dancer (but that is a story for a different day).  And then I thought, "Hey, whatever happened to Oprah?"  So, I decided to search (via the Googles) what Oprah's email is.  It seemed kind of sketchy at first, considering the that came up email was:, but I guess you can do whatever you want when you're Oprah.  Also, it was my birthday the day I made this masterpiece, so I was even more unstoppable than I am on a daily basis.

Anyways, I went through a little bit of a struggle trying to figure out what I should write about.  It took a whole five minutes to contemplate what would be worthy of Oprah's time (if that email is even hers).  But then I thought, I am an egg.  How can I incorporate that into my ode to Oprah? And then it clicked.  Oprah is known for giving advice, or maybe that's Dr. Phil, I really don't know at this point.  So, I constructed an e-mail that I know would get Oprah's attention for sure.

And then, the words started flowing out onto my new message, like words on a canvas, except for the fact that it was an email, and looks nothing like a painting.  Just go with it.  And I wrote:

Subject: help


I am going through a hard time in my life and you are the only person that can help me.  I ate an egg whole and now I'm turning into one.  I've already lost my hair and limbs.  What do I do?

Your fellow Win-fan.

P.S. Please send an ambulance when you get this."

(with this photo attached:)

(photoshop credits to me, egg credits to PSD Graphics)

And then after over two minutes of no response, I decided to put another one in for me:


"Also, today is my birthday and a car would be much appreciated, think about it."

It has officially been a little less than a month, and I keep expecting at least a one sentence reply from O-dizzle, but still my inbox sits there like the non-fiction section in a Junior High Library.  It is, as Kim Kardashian would say:

(my life right now credits to Sugar scape)

So, now Oprah is basically dead to me.  She broke my heart into a thousand pieces, that sassy devil.  I'm just a lone egg trying to find my way in this world, but I guess that isn't enough for an empowering being like Oprah.  I'll get over it eventually, after I protest her.  I feel like it is the only way to resolve this problem.  Or, I could confront her on Dr. Phil, and then protest her.  Either way, Mikelle ain't letting this one slide.  I'm watching you, Oprah.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Time is a precious thing in our lives.  There are many things in this world that use up our time for no good reason.  Overused catch phrases are a very irritating example of these things.  I saw the vine, you don't need to repeat "Deez Nuts" and "What are those?" all the time.  I have the internet too, but do I go around saying dumb phrases when they aren't needed or funny?  Exactly.

Despite how much free time you probably assume I have, I actually don't have much time to spare in my week.  Surprising, I know.  I have a lot of things I have to get accomplished, and watching normal T.V. is just not an option.  After my family started buying a Netflix subscription, why do we even need real T.V.?  Granted, some of their series choices aren't the greatest, but you can watch it whenever you want without stupid ads to sit through whenever the show actually gets good.

For all you girls out there that have perfect nails all the time, props to you.  Mikelle doesn't have time for that ish.  It takes me what seems like 2398720349857 years to find the color I want, then when I actually paint my nails, it takes that time times two just to dry!  Its not even that thick, why does it take so long?  And no, the "express dry" kind does not actually do that much so don't even get me started.

(actual story of my life credits to Havoc and Mayhem)

Usually when I am putting up decorations, it takes a really long time but hey, it's exciting so I still do it.  Taking them down is a different story.  First of all, it is just plain depressing because it means that that holiday is over.  Second, it takes so much longer to take all of the ornaments off a christmas tree than to put them on.  It's basic science, and I don't have time for it.

Just like painting nails, if you have the time and patience for that, go for it.  I, on the other hand, enjoy my sleep.  What sounds better to you: Waking up at 5 every morning to curl/straighten my hair, or get an extra hour of sleep because I don't need to impress anybody anyways?  It's pretty much self-explanatory.  I don't have time to try to impress people.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just don't think that worrying about how someone thinks about you is a good way to spend time.  Don't get me wrong, I care about many people's opinions about me because I'm not perfect but, you shouldn't try to change yourself to try to influence someone's outlook on you.

As a teenager, I don't have much money to spend on clothes.  I have a couple nice and presentable outfits, and that is mostly what you will see me wearing to school every week, but in different orders.  This is okay, despite popular belief.  You want to know why?  Because I OWN A WASHING MACHINE!  Do not criticize me for wearing the same clothes, because if I wash them, why should it even matter?  Most of the people who point these things out, are guys (or girls) that wear the same sweatshirt and pants everyday (without washing them).  You know who you are.

Help Matthew revise his essay (as he requested I included in this post)
"That is not my job!"
-Helen Dubois
If you don't know who that is, then maybe this will refresh your memory:

(My childhood, courtesy of Fan Art)
You're welcome.