Story #1 The Mac-and-Cheese House:
I will tell you a little of a backstory before I get into this one. Growing up, I lived next to a family of three girls, one in which was my age. Let's just say that these girls weren't the nicest people ever. I was on a soccer team at the time, and the neighbor my age was on our rival team, so that only added to the tension. I couldn't just let these girls go around being mean, right? So I took matters into my own hands.
Mac and cheese was a huge part of my diet as a kid, especially when my homies came over (shoutout to my people over at Kraft). One day in particular, my best friend Thomas (names will be changed for obvious reasons) was over at my house. My mom made mac and cheese for us and we were sitting in my backyard. He knew how much I disliked these girls, and we ended up throwing most of our mac and cheese at the neighbor's house, over my fence. If you think that is the worst part, then you are sadly mistaken. The small pieces of artificial-cheese covered pasta ended up sticking to their house, with no sign of falling off any time soon. After that, every time Thomas came over, we would strategically save most of our macaroni and cheese to throw at the neighbor's house. Not only did they stick for days, but two years later, when moving out of that house, we found the hard pieces of macaroni still stuck all over the side of my neighbor's house. Don't mess with me, man. You might find macaroni stuck to your house.
Story #2 The Not-so Amazing Allyson
It was around Christmas time when I was around seven or eight. I had been begging for six months for my parents (and santa) to get me an Amazing Allysen doll.
(Photo from Toy Directory)
Not only was this doll super fashionable to young Mikelle, but she would also talk to you and "do things" with you. I put quotations right there because she didn't actually do those things, but hey it's the thought that counts. (She was quite expensive, also.) Anyway, I was extremely excited to see none other than an Amazing Allysen doll under the Christmas tree that morning. I spent countless hours playing with it, completely mesmerized by it. Later that night, my family was sitting in the kitchen while I was in the living room right next to the kitchen, playing with my new best friend. When I finally was done talking to my doll, I pressed her left hand for her to go to sleep, as she had instructed. Only when I pressed her hand, she did not go to sleep. Instead she said, "Do you want to go shopping?" I replied with, "No, go to sleep."
This process repeated a couple times until I started getting frustrated. I don't remember much of this story, but as my family says, they looked over to the living room to see little me, crying and banging my Amazing Allysen doll on the ground. Yelling, "SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP" many times until I eventually hid her under the couch, still crying. The moral of this story is, if someone squeezes your left hand, don't ask them to go shopping.
I think that is enough embarrassment for one person so, that will be the end of this post. Before you start crying, there will most likely be many posts on even more embarrassing stories in the future.
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