Thursday, September 17, 2015

Shoulder Fettish?!

Dear school dress code,

I have been in school for most of my life now.  I guess you could say that I am very experienced, an expert even, at everything school related.  (Except math, that is still a work in progress.) Even with my expertise and Masters degree worthy knowledge of this, I still have many questions about the school system in general.  Let me be more specific.  Let's talk about the dress code, shall we?

I understand wanting to keep students from dressing inappropriately, but not even being able to show your shoulders, really? Have you ever been in a classroom or walking down the street, and have been distracted by shoulders? Ya me neither. Maybe it is just me, but shoulders are the least of my worries when it comes to being distracted.  Or, maybe the school board just has a shoulder fetish? Yeah, let's go with that one.
(Picture from Anonymously Relatable)

What about the whole "no hat in classrooms" rule?  I have personally never been talking to someone, and felt a lack of respect because that person was wearing a hat.  So to all of the teachers reading this: at least use a better excuse to as why we can't wear a beanie, because we all know that respect is not it.
Next, we have the "fingertip rule."  All of the tall people out there in the world will understand where I am coming from.  It is extremely hard to find long enough shorts, skirts, etc. when the average height in most clothing stores is around 5'3".  It just does not work out.  If you guys want to go out and buy me long enough shorts, then go right ahead, but if my shorts are covering everything that needs to be, just let me go to class in peace.  Don't make me change into gym clothes, that just becomes more distracting than shoulders and not just because it doesn't look good (have you ever smelled the girls locker room? I rest my case).
(well said, tall girl problems)

For those of you who are not familiar with my school, we recently had a dress code change.  Before the change, we weren't even allowed to wear scarves.  Yes, you did read this right, SCARVES.  The school's reasoning, best of all, was that it is a choking hazard and can be used to harm someone else. What kind of teenager or elementary school kid even, would be so immature as to use someone's scarf to choke another?  The world may never know.
Long story short, my dear dress code, just stop being stupid and discriminating.
"That's all I gotta sat 'bout that." -Forrest Gump

You're #1 Hater,